Earth Girls Are Easy

I’d always thought alien abductions happened at night. You’re driving down some dark, lonely country road, when a cone of blinding light captures your vehicle and sucks you into the sky. Or you’ve just donned your pajamas and brushed your teeth when a suspicious noise lures you into your shadow-filled backyard. Like a sleepwalker, you drift helplessly up the gang-plank into the silver saucer that hovers above your lawn.

In my case, it was barely eight am. I was on the final stretch of my morning run along the Charles, panting and sweaty, looking forward to a shower, then a productive morning in my lab. I summoned a final burst of energy for the last hundred yards. Instead of speeding up, however, I slowed to a crawl. My arms and legs suddenly felt leaden. The air around me congealed into a sort of sticky jelly that made every movement a struggle. The traffic noise from Memorial Drive died away. The rippling river froze. The sun-lit sparkle on the water dimmed. I hardly had time to be frightened before the world blinked out of existence.

The first thing I noticed upon waking was the chill. Goose bumps rose on my bare arms. My nipples contracted to hard knots under my perspiration-soaked sports bra. A faint hint of ozone hung in the cool, still air.

“You are cold.” Not a question but an assertion, spoken in a deep, resonant voice that seemed to come from all directions. Instantly the atmosphere warmed to a more comfortable temperature.

As I tried to locate the source of this comment, I came to my next realization; I was bound, face up, secured to a padded table by smooth, flexible restraints that encircled my wrists and ankles.

“Hey! What’s going on?” I yanked futilely at my bonds. They tightened a bit in response. At the same time, the material softened as if to avoid damage to my skin. “Let me go!”

No answer.

The domed ceiling glowed with a diffuse, soothing light. I craned my neck to look around. The peculiar chamber had no angles at all, which made its size difficult to judge. Featureless, shell-pink walls curved up to meet the luminous panels above me, unbroken by any sign of a window or door. The platform upon which I was restrained appeared to be the only furniture.

I struggled to remember how I’d arrived here, to understand my strange environment. I’d been running, then—nothing. Had I suffered some bizarre variety of stroke? Was this a dream? Was I in a coma? A quick inventory revealed no pain or apparent injury. My mental state had none of the fuzziness I associated with dreams. The table beneath me felt real and solid, though as I shifted position, the surface did likewise, adapting and molding itself to my body. My bonds were convincingly real as well.

“Where am I?” I called. As if in response, a circular aperture appeared in the wall to my left, and a figure stepped into the room.

“Greetings, Dr. Morrison.”

I should have been astonished by the fact that he knew my name, but I was distracted by more primitive concerns. My breath caught; my nipples peaked; a hungry ache settled in my pelvis. The man who stood beside me was beyond gorgeous. Tall and lean, with wavy golden hair, classically masculine features, broad shoulders and a subtly sculpted bare chest, he looked like some Greek god—except for the lavender skin, violet eyes and hands with two thumbs.

A silvery kilt wrapped around his narrow hips appeared to be his only garment. It showed off his muscle-corded thighs but effectively hid his groin. I licked my lips, desperately curious to see his equipment.

I am a scientist, after all.

“You are aboard a Zirian research vessel,” the vision continued. No accent marred his musical voice, but his English had a foreign sound nevertheless. “Currently we are orbiting your sun, just beyond the planet you call Mars.”

“You must be joking!” I exploded.

“Zirians do not joke,” he replied. “We have collected you from Earth in the hope that you will agree to participate in our experiments.”

“Collected? More like kidnapped!” I tugged at the restraints. “And what do you mean, agree? I’m effectively a prisoner.”

“These devices are for your own benefit,” he said. “Some of the experiments might produce quite intense sensations.” He placed one multi-thumbed hand on my bare arm. A bolt of electric pleasure sizzled from the point of contact down to my already-throbbing clit. My back arched and my hips jerked up, chasing a phantom cock that seemed just out of reach. The cuffs held me down and the flexible table top cradled my limbs.

He broke the physical connection. I slumped back onto the table, stifling a disappointed moan.

“Furthermore, the sensors embedded in the restraints will allow us to monitor and record your reactions to the experimental stimuli.” He waved his hand in an intricate gesture. The wall behind him sprouted racks and hooks, hung with various unidentifiable objects: tubes, bulbs, cylinders, coils. Some were fashioned of gleaming metal, others of glass, quivering jelly or steel-studded rubber.

I shuddered, fear mingling with lust. Though I didn’t know in detail what these objects were, I could guess their purpose.

“Let me get this straight. You want to do sex experiments on me?”

For the first time, the Zirian’s divinely kissable lips curved into a slight smile. “Exactly.”

“Me? Plain Jane Morrison, who hasn’t had a date in eons?” It was a bit tough finding a guy who could handle my full-body freckles, my modest-at-best curves, my workaholic lifestyle and my 170 IQ. “I think you’ve got me confused with some other Earthling.”

“On the contrary, our previous research has suggested a strong correlation between intelligence and libido. You are precisely the sort of subject we are seeking.” His perfectly arched brows drew together in a slight frown. “However, we do need your consent.” He snapped his fingers. The image of a document hovered in the air in front of my face, as though projected on a screen.

“Circumgyrate your right index finger if you wish to record your signature.”


“Wiggle it.”

Giving me some privacy to read the agreement, he turned to the wall of alien sex implements and selected several. I watched the muscles shift under the flawless, light purple skin of his sleek back, the crotch of my leggings getting wetter by the minute. I’d sign in a flash if I could be assured that this alien experimenter would be personally involved in the “research activities”. Somehow, though, I got the sense that he was as much a scientist as I was, and thus committed to remaining impartial.

“What would you do to me? If I sign?” I asked. “I really can’t concentrate on all this fine print.”

The Zirian faced me once more, his arms brimming with ominous-looking equipment and his expression as impassive as ever. “Nipple stimulation. Gluteal compression. Clitoris suction. Anal probes. The usual test suite.”

Oh my God! The rumors, the urban myths—they were all true!

“And if... if I don’t, um, agree?”

“Then we will wipe your memory and return you to Earth immediately, untouched. You will recall nothing of this experience.”

A gleaming metal tray winked into existence, floating next to the table. He piled his obscene instruments on its surface then leaned closer to me. His violet eyes darkened as he gazed into mine. His nostrils flared. His warm breath brushed my cheeks. Once more the hint of a smile twitched at his alluring mouth. “I hope that you will give your consent, Jane, but it’s completely up to you.”

He stroked a fingertip from the hollow of my throat down to the shallow valley between my breasts. Bliss exploded in the wake of the fleeting touch, shimmering like summer lightning along my skin. My pulse thundered in my ears. My clit throbbed in time. If he’d lingered an instant longer, I would have exploded into climax. When he stepped away from me, I almost cried.

Forget this pleasure? Forget this creature? I couldn’t bear the thought.

“Okay.” I flicked my finger. My perfectly-formed signature appeared at the bottom of the virtual document, which flashed brighter, then disappeared. “I’ll do it.”

I swallowed hard as my workout clothing disappeared into thin air, leaving me naked on the intelligent table. The padded surface caressed my bare skin; the bonds encircling my wrists and ankles tingled as my captor activated the sensors. “For the sake of science,” I added.

“Indeed,” the Zirian replied as he clipped circular caps onto my rigid nipples. “For the sake of science.”

The cuffs pulled gently at my ankles, spreading my legs. The alien did his best not to touch me as he installed the stimulating devices. I understood that he wanted to avoid contaminating the experiments—to measure my physical responses to mechanical, electrical or chemical manipulations, divorced from any human—or more properly, Zirian—influence. I had no such qualms. Even without direct contact, erotic energy crackled between us whenever his skin came within a few centimeters of mine. In those tantalizing moments, I’d wriggle and squirm, trying hard to bridge the gap.

Although he made no comment, he clearly understood my intent and attempted to counteract my efforts. The restraints on my wrists and ankles tightened. A broad strap shot out from one edge of the table, crossed my waist and affixed itself to the other side, effectively preventing me from arching toward him. When I bent my knees as he instructed, exposing my dripping pussy to his gaze and his instruments, the table sprouted new straps that circled my thighs and held me wide open. Before long, I could hardly move at all. I was totally helpless—and desperately aroused.

The drool-worthy alien stepped back to survey his handiwork. He made a fist; an array of graphs, gauges and dials materialized in the air beside him.

“Now relax, Dr. Morrison. Do not fight your impulses. Simply allow your body to react. If the sensations become too much to bear, say the word ‘Jedi’ and I will stop. Do you understand?”

“Yes, yes. But—oh!” The Zirian flipped an invisible switch. The devices clutching my nipples sprang to quivering life. Pleasure radiated from the swollen nubs through my entire body. My hungry pussy clenched around empty space. My clit sparked and jumped. Deep in my center, a climax gathered, winding tighter each time the alien bumped up the power.

My breasts might be small, but they’re incredibly sensitive. He hadn’t triggered any of the other implements yet. Still, the stimulation had me close to coming. Eyes shut tight, gasping and moaning, I writhed in my bonds. Instant by instant, the thrilling vibrations nudged me toward the edge. Finally, with a wild cry, I tumbled into ecstasy.

I opened my eyes as the echoes faded. The Zirian leaned over me, watching my face. Now he was definitely smiling. He rubbed his hands together like some cartoon villain.

“Excellent,” he said in that rich, opera-singer voice of his. “An orgasm from nipple manipulation alone. You may well be the most responsive subject I have ever tested.”

“Happy not to disappoint you,” I murmured, still a bit weak from the ravages of pleasure.

“I will try clitoral suction next.” He looked thoughtful. “Together with the anal probe.”

“Um—wait a sec. I’ve never—”

“You have never experienced anal penetration? All the better. Your reactions will be unadulterated by previous factors, either positive or negative.”


“Do not be concerned, Jane. I promise you this will not cause you the slightest discomfort. Quite the contrary, I believe you will greatly enjoy it.”

With a barely perceptible gesture, he activated the slick little sheath he’d attached to my clit. Any protests I’d planned died in my throat as another climax ripped through me. I’ve always loved oral sex, to the dismay of some of my boyfriends. This was cunnilingus on steroids. The alien device licked, sucked and tweaked, all at the same time. Waves of pleasure pounded me, each more powerful than the last. I’d hardly catch my breath before another orgasm slammed into me.

Then, when I was limp and quivering, the table shifted beneath me, raising my buttocks and creating a gap beneath. The next thing I knew, something smooth and slippery pressed against my rear hole. Much to my surprise, my back passage offered little resistance as the probe slid in. I guessed it was quite narrow, perhaps the size of my little finger. It felt, to be honest, amazingly good.

The alien scientist/pornographer had dialed back the intensity of the clit suction, allowing me to concentrate on the unfamiliar but thrilling sensations of the probe exploring my ass. When the slender rod was lodged deep in my rectum, it suddenly started to vibrate. The action transmitted itself to my clit, kicking me into yet another sharp climax. Then, as my convulsions faded, the probe began to swell.

“Oh, God!” I screamed as the alien device inexorably fattened and hardened inside me. I was totally full, stretched to the limit, overwhelmed, yet still it continued to grow. I waited for the inevitable pain as the expanding probe tore me apart. Instead, the pleasure simply intensified, swallowing me up and taking me over.

I lost track of myself then, orgasming non-stop around the invading bulk in my ass. I might have lost consciousness. When I came to my senses, all was quiet. My rear hole felt stretched and empty, my clit tingling and tender. All the restraints were gone.

With a groan, I rolled over onto my stomach, raised my head to look around, then flopped back down, exhausted.

The Zirian perched on a stool beside the examination table with his bare feet resting on the chair base, his lean thighs flexing and his blond hair falling into his eyes. Of course, I couldn’t understand his alien language, but he appeared to be dictating notes to a hovering crystalline oval the size of a walnut.

I felt like I’d had enough sex to last two lifetimes, but the sight of my gorgeous captor reminded me that my pussy hadn’t yet been filled. Could I break through his scientific detachment?

“Um—excuse me...”

He looked up from his task. “Ah, Dr. Morrison. You are finally awake. Are you well?”

“Um—I guess so.” I stretched luxuriously on the table, which gave me a sweet little massage in return. “Yeah. I’m great.”

“I am pleased to hear that. Your performance was impressive, your responsiveness quite remarkable.” He waved his hand and the walnut vanished. “You are a definite outlier, Dr. Morrison. We look forward to studying your data in greater depth. Based on these results, I suspect we will need to reformulate many of our theories about human sexuality.”

Rising to his feet, he executed a neat little bow. “My colleagues and I sincerely thank you for your cooperation.”

“You’re welcome—I think.”

“Now I shall return you to Earth.”

“Not so fast, Dr. Strangelove.” I sat up, swung my legs over the side of the table, and slid to a standing position in front of him. I reached for the fastening on his kilt. “I have some research questions of my own.”

The Zirian shrank away from my touch. “Wait—Jane—you will invalidate the experiments.”

“Your experiments are over. You have your data. Now it’s my turn.” I yanked at the silvery garment. It parted, slithered down over his hips and pooled on the floor. I stared, wide-eyed, at what I’d revealed.

From the groin of my lavender-skinned abductor sprouted not one but two penises, one on top of the other. Both were hugely erect.

I gasped. “You’ve got to be joking!”

The virile alien wore a stony, Spock-ish expression. “As I indicated previously, Zirians have yet to grasp this human concept.”

I barely noticed his response. I couldn’t take my eyes off the purple bounty in front of me. My pulse shot into the stratosphere and my pussy gushed in anticipation. I reached out to stroke the velvety surface of the front shaft. Familiar pleasure sparked wherever our skin touched. After a moment’s hesitation, he pulled me into his arms, mashing my breasts and belly against his solid chest. I came like a rocket blasting into space.

When he finally released me, I clambered back onto the table. On my hands and knees with my buttocks in the air, I offered him both my orifices. “Fuck me,” I demanded.

“I have never had intercourse with an Earth girl,” he protested, even as he positioned his two cocks precisely. “I do not know what will happen.”

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” Rocking my hips backward, I took both his massive organs into my body. He thrust hard in response, plunging deeper than I would have thought possible. I came immediately. He lasted only seconds longer before he flooded me with his alien seed.

Bliss welled up inside me, overwhelming, unending, infinite as the vast reaches of the universe. My consciousness flickered. One instant it seemed I was in the space ship, quivering with delight, ravaged by two rock hard cocks. The next instant I floated disembodied among the stars, inextricably linked in spirit with my alien lover. Which view was real? I didn’t know.

I was sure of one thing, though. I was in no hurry to get back to Earth.

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